/* Save current bounding box to prefs v231129: 1st Version Peter J. Lee, Applied Superconductivity Center */ macro "Save bounding current bounding box to prefs" { macroL = "Save_Current_Bounding_Box_to_Prefs_v231129.ijm"; selType = selectionType(); if (selType>=0 && selType<4){ getSelectionBounds(selPosStartX, selPosStartY, originalSelEWidth, originalSelEHeight); call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.manual.bounds","" + selPosStartX + "," + selPosStartY + "," + originalSelEWidth + "," + originalSelEHeight); IJ.log("ij.Prefs.set for asc.roi.manual.bounds: " + selPosStartX + "," + selPosStartY + "," + originalSelEWidth + "," + originalSelEHeight); } else IJ.log("No area selection to save"); /* Save current bounds to prefs */ }