macro "Create_grid_of_ROIs_from_single_selection" { /* Creates a square grid of ROIs that are identical to the current selection Original purpose was to create ROIs for scanned 35 mm film strips v240216: 1st version PJL Applied Superconductivity Center, NHMFL, FSU v240220: Opens ROI manager if not open. v240223: Improved dialog. */ macroL = "Create_grid_of_ROIs_from_single_selection_v240220.ijm"; if (nImages==0) exit("Sorry this macro needs an image to save, goodbye"); getDimensions(imageWidth, imageHeight, null, null, null); selType = selectionType; if (selType>=0) getSelectionBounds(selPosStartX, selPosStartY, originalSelEWidth, originalSelEHeight); /* smallest rectangle that can completely contain the current selection */ else exit("Solid selection required for ROI creation"); prefsNameKey = "asc.roi."; if (isOpen("ROI Manager")) nROIs = RoiManager.size(); else { nROIs=0; run("ROI Manager..."); } /* ASC Dialog style */ infoColor = "#006db0"; /* Honolulu blue */ instructionColor = "#798541"; /* green_dark_modern (121, 133, 65) AKA Wasabi */ infoWarningColor = "#ff69b4"; /* pink_modern AKA hot pink */ infoFontSize = 12; Dialog.create("New ROI distribution: " + macroL); Dialog.addMessage("From an initial selection, a grid of duplicate ROIs is created\nIt assumes that you original selection is top-left of your grid", infoFontSize, infoColor); Dialog.addNumber("Max ROIs to be created \(including original\)", 0, 0, 3, "ROIs"); Dialog.setInsets(-2, 50, 10); Dialog.addMessage("Leave max ROIs as zero for unrestricted", infoFontSize, instructionColor); rowN = call("ij.Prefs.get", "asc.roi.rowN", 1); Dialog.addNumber("Rows", rowN, 0, 3, ""); columnN = call("ij.Prefs.get", "asc.roi.columnN", 1); Dialog.addNumber("Columns", columnN, 0, 3, ""); Dialog.addCheckbox("Create grid coordinates by moving selection to furthest location . . . ", true); Dialog.addMessage(". . . else use margins below . . . ", infoFontSize, instructionColor); canvasMX = call("ij.Prefs.get", "asc.roi.canvasMX", 4); canvasMY = call("ij.Prefs.get", "asc.roi.canvasMY", 4); Dialog.addNumber("Canvas margin: left/right", canvasMX, 2, 3, "%"); Dialog.addNumber("Canvas margin: top/bottom", canvasMY, 2, 3, "%"); Dialog.addMessage("If you reposition ROIs after the macro has run . . . \n. . . remember to click the 'Update' button in the ROI manager", infoFontSize, infoWarningColor);; maxRN = Dialog.getNumber(); rowN = Dialog.getNumber(); columnN = Dialog.getNumber(); selectFinal = Dialog.getCheckbox(); canvasMX = Dialog.getNumber(); canvasMY = Dialog.getNumber(); if (maxRN==0) maxRN = rowN * columnN; call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.maxRN", maxRN); call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.rowN", rowN); call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.columnN", columnN); // call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.distType", distType); setSelectionName("row " + 0 + ", column " + 0); roiManager("Add"); roiManager("Deselect"); if (selectFinal){ waitForUser("Move selection to final location then click OK"); getSelectionBounds(selPosEndX, selPosEndY, endSelEWidth, endSelEHeight); xIncr = (selPosEndX - selPosStartX) / (columnN - 1); yIncr = (selPosEndY - selPosStartY) / (rowN - 1); /* The following is not useful here but sets up preferences for the next use */ canvasMX = 100 * (imageWidth - selPosEndX - endSelEWidth) / imageWidth; canvasMY = 100 * (imageHeight - selPosEndY - endSelEHeight) / imageHeight; } else { canvasFX = 1 - canvasMX / 100; canvasFY = 1 - canvasMY / 100; xIncr = ((canvasFX * imageWidth) - selPosStartX - originalSelEWidth) / (columnN - 1); yIncr = ((canvasFY * imageHeight) - selPosStartY - originalSelEHeight) / (rowN - 1); } call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.canvasMX", canvasMX); call("ij.Prefs.set", "asc.roi.canvasMY", canvasMY); setBatchMode(true); run("Select None"); for (r=0, t=1; r0 || c>0){ RoiManager.selectByName("row " + 0 + ", column " + 0); run("Translate... ", "x=" + c * xIncr + " y=" + r * yIncr); setSelectionName("row " + r + ", column " + c); roiManager("Add"); t++; } } } setBatchMode("exit and display"); showStatus(t + " ROIs created using " + macroL, "flash green"); }