macro "Add Multiple Lines of Fancy Text To Image" { /* This macro adds multiple lines of text to a copy of the image. Peter J. Lee Applied Superconductivity Center at National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. ANSI encoded for Windows. Version v170411 removes spaces in New image names to fix issue with new combination images. v180306 cosmetic changes to text. v180308 added non-destructive overlay option (overlay can be saved in TIFF header). v180611 Fixed stack labeling and fixed overlay. v180618 Added restore selection option (useful for multiple slices) and fixed label vertical location for selected options. v180626-8 Added text justification, added fit-to-selection, fixed override of previously selected area and added and more symbols v180629 Added ability to import metadata from list. v180702 Added progress bar for multiple slices. v180803 Can have line rotated to match angle of select-line or any arbitrary angle. v180809 Fixed bugs introduced in v180803. Added text above line option. Added "flatten" option to embed line selection. v181207 "Replace overlay" now replaces All overlays (so be careful). v181214 Overlay fonts on BW images can now be in color. Overlay shadow now works as expected. v190108 Overlay shadow now set to be always darker than background (except for "glow"). v190222 Now works for 16 and 32 bit images. v200706 Changed variables to match Fancy Scale Bar macro version v200706. v210625 Added saving of user last-used settings (preferences). Fixed overlay alignment issues by using bitmap mask instead of rewriting text. v210628 Improved shadow and fixed text rotation issues. Split dialog into two dialogs to allow to remove menu tweaks that might not work in scalable GUIs v211022 Updated color function choices f1-4 updated functions f5-7 updated colors v220823 Gray indices refer to grayChoices only; f1-color update. F2: Updated indexOf functions. F3: getColorArrayFromColorName_v230908. F8 : Replaced function: pad. F9: Updated getColorFromColorName function (012324). F10: updated function unCleanLabel. v240709 Updated colors. */ macroL = "Fancy_Text_Labels_v240709.ijm"; requires("1.47r"); originalImage = getTitle(); if (matches(originalImage, ".*Ramp.*")==1) showMessageWithCancel("Title contains \"Ramp\"", "Do you want to label" + originalImage + " ?"); saveSettings; /* Set options for black objects on white background as this works better for publications */ run("Options...", "iterations=1 white count=1"); /* Set the background to white */ run("Colors...", "foreground=black background=white selection=yellow"); /* Set the preferred colors for these macros */ setOption("BlackBackground", false); run("Appearance...", " "); /* do not use Inverting LUT * /* Check to see if a Ramp legend rather than the image has been selected by accident */ getPixelSize(unit, pixelWidth, pixelHeight, pixelDepth); getDimensions(imageWidth, imageHeight, channels, slices, frames); selEType = selectionType; scaledLineAngle = 0; if (selEType>=0) { selectionExists = true; if ((selEType>=5) && (selEType<=7)) { line = true; if (selEType>5) { /* for 6=segmented line or 7=freehand line do a linear fit */ getSelectionCoordinates(xPoints, yPoints); Array.getStatistics(xPoints, orSelEX1, orSelEX2, orSelEX, null); Fit.doFit("Straight Line", xPoints, yPoints); orSelEY1 = Fit.f(orSelEX1); orSelEY2 = Fit.f(orSelEX2); } else getLine(orSelEX1, orSelEY1, orSelEX2, orSelEY2, selLineWidth); x1=orSelEX1*pixelWidth; y1=orSelEY1*pixelHeight; x2=orSelEX2*pixelWidth; y2=orSelEY2*pixelHeight; lineXPx =(orSelEX1-orSelEX2); /* used for label offsets later */ lineYPx = (orSelEY1-orSelEY2); /* used for label offsets later */ scaledLineAngle = (180/PI) * Math.atan2(lineYPx, lineXPx); if (scaledLineAngle<-90) scaledLineAngle += 180; else if (scaledLineAngle>90) scaledLineAngle -= 180; scaledLineLength = sqrt(pow(x2-x1,2)+pow(y2-y1,2)); orSelEX = minOf(orSelEX1, orSelEX2); orSelEY = minOf(orSelEY1, orSelEY2); orSelEWidth = abs(orSelEX2-orSelEX1); orSelEHeight = abs(orSelEY2-orSelEY1); selLineLength = sqrt(pow(orSelEWidth,2)+pow(orSelEHeight,2)); } else { line = false; getSelectionBounds(orSelEX, orSelEY, orSelEWidth, orSelEHeight); } } else { selectionExists = false; line = false; } setBatchMode(true); startSliceNumber = getSliceNumber(); remSlices = slices-startSliceNumber; imageDims = imageHeight + imageWidth; imageDepth = bitDepth(); id = getImageID(); fontSize = round(imageDims/75); /* default font size */ if (fontSize < 10) fontSize = 10; /* set minimum default font size as 10 */ lineSpacing = 1.1; outlineStroke = 7; /* default outline stroke: % of font size */ shadowDrop = 10; /* default outer shadow drop: % of font size */ dIShO = 5; /* default inner shadow drop: % of font size */ shadowDisp = shadowDrop; shadowBlur = floor(0.6 * shadowDrop); shadowDarkness = 50; innerShadowDrop = dIShO; innerShadowDisp = dIShO; innerShadowBlur = floor(dIShO/2); innerShadowDarkness = 16; offsetX = round(8 + imageWidth/150); /* default offset of label from edge */ offsetY = round(8 + imageHeight/150); /* default offset of label from edge */ textRot = 0; textAboveLine = false; /* Then Basic Options Dialog . . . */ Dialog.create("Basic Label Options: " + macroL); if (Overlay.size==0) overwriteChoice = newArray("Destructive overwrite", "New image", "Add overlays"); else overwriteChoice = newArray("Destructive overwrite", "New image", "Add overlays", "Replace All overlays"); iOver = indexOfArray(overwriteChoice, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.output",overwriteChoice[1]),1); Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Output choices:", overwriteChoice, 1, 3, overwriteChoice[iOver]); if (selectionExists) { textLocChoices = newArray("Center of Selection", "Top Left", "Top Right", "Center", "Bottom Left", "Bottom Right", "Center of New Selection"); iLoc = indexOfArray(textLocChoices, "Center of Selection",0); /* Overrides preferences as an active selection is assumed to be a priority */ } else { textLocChoices = newArray("Top Left", "Top Right", "Center", "Bottom Left", "Bottom Right", "Center of New Selection"); iLoc = indexOfArray(textLocChoices, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.location",textLocChoices[0]),0); } Dialog.addChoice("Location of Summary:", textLocChoices, textLocChoices[iLoc]); if (selectionExists) { Dialog.addNumber("Original selection X start = ", orSelEX); Dialog.addNumber("Original selection Y start = ", orSelEY); Dialog.addNumber("Original selection width = ", orSelEWidth); Dialog.addNumber("Original selection height = ", orSelEHeight); if (selEType==0 || selEType==1 || selEType==5 || selEType==6 || selEType==7) { Dialog.addCheckbox("Restore this selection at macro completion?", true); } else restoreSelection = false; if (orSelEXimageWidth*0.6) just = "right"; else just = "center"; if ((selEType>=5) && (selEType<=7)) { Dialog.addNumber("Text Rotation Angle = ", scaledLineAngle); Dialog.addMessage("Note: Rotated text may not be pretty."); Dialog.addCheckbox("1st line of text above line", true); } } else restoreSelection = false; textJustChoices = newArray("auto", "left", "center", "right"); if (selectionExists) Dialog.addChoice("Text justification \(\"auto\" will be \""+just+"\"\)", textJustChoices, textJustChoices[0]); else Dialog.addChoice("Text justification", textJustChoices, textJustChoices[0]); Dialog.addNumber("Default font size:", fontSize); fontStyleChoice = newArray("bold", "bold antialiased", "italic", "italic antialiased", "bold italic", "bold italic antialiased", "unstyled"); iFS = indexOfArray(fontStyleChoice, call("ij.Prefs.get", "",fontStyleChoice[1]),1); Dialog.addChoice("Font style:", fontStyleChoice, fontStyleChoice[iFS]); fontNameChoice = getFontChoiceList(); iFN = indexOfArray(fontNameChoice, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.font",fontNameChoice[0]),0); Dialog.addChoice("Font name:", fontNameChoice, fontNameChoice[iFN]); grayChoices = newArray("white", "black", "off-white", "off-black", "light_gray", "gray", "dark_gray"); colorChoicesStd = newArray("red", "green", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "yellow", "pink", "orange", "violet"); colorChoicesMod = newArray("aqua_modern", "blue_accent_modern", "blue_dark_modern", "blue_modern", "blue_honolulu", "gray_modern", "green_dark_modern", "green_modern", "green_modern_accent", "green_spring_accent", "orange_modern", "pink_modern", "purple_modern", "red_n_modern", "red_modern", "tan_modern", "violet_modern", "yellow_modern"); colorChoicesNeon = newArray("jazzberry_jam", "radical_red", "wild_watermelon", "outrageous_orange", "supernova_orange", "atomic_tangerine", "neon_carrot", "sunglow", "laser_lemon", "electric_lime", "screamin'_green", "magic_mint", "blizzard_blue", "dodger_blue", "shocking_pink", "razzle_dazzle_rose", "hot_magenta"); colorChoicesFSU = newArray("garnet", "gold", "stadium_night", "westcott_water", "vault_garnet", "legacy_blue", "plaza_brick", "vault_gold"); colorChoices = Array.concat(grayChoices, colorChoicesStd, colorChoicesMod, colorChoicesNeon, colorChoicesFSU); iTC = indexOfArray(colorChoices, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.font.color",colorChoices[0]),0); iBC = indexOfArray(colorChoices, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.outline.color",colorChoices[1]),1); iTCg = indexOfArray(grayChoices, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.font.gray",grayChoices[0]),0); iBCg = indexOfArray(grayChoices, call("ij.Prefs.get", "fancy.textLabels.outline.gray",grayChoices[1]),1); if (imageDepth==24) Dialog.addChoice("Text color:", colorChoices, colorChoices[iTC]); else { Dialog.addChoice("Destructive text gray choices:", grayChoices, grayChoices[iTCg]); Dialog.addChoice("Overlay Text color choices:", colorChoices, colorChoices[iTC]); } if (imageDepth==24) Dialog.addChoice("Outline (background) color:", colorChoices, colorChoices[iBC]); else { Dialog.addChoice("Destructive text outline gray choices:", grayChoices, grayChoices[iBCg]); Dialog.addChoice("Overlay text outline color choices:", colorChoices, colorChoices[iBC]); } Dialog.addRadioButtonGroup("Tweak the Formatting? ", newArray("Yes", "No"), 1, 2, "No");; overWrite = Dialog.getRadioButton(); textLocChoice = Dialog.getChoice(); if (selectionExists) { selEX = Dialog.getNumber(); /* Allows user to tweak pre-selection using dialog boxes */ selEY = Dialog.getNumber(); selEWidth = Dialog.getNumber(); selEHeight = Dialog.getNumber(); restoreSelection = Dialog.getCheckbox(); if ((selEType>=5) && (selEType<=7)) { textRot = Dialog.getNumber(); textAboveLine = Dialog.getCheckbox; } } just = Dialog.getChoice(); fontSize = Dialog.getNumber(); fontStyle = Dialog.getChoice(); fontName = Dialog.getChoice(); if (imageDepth==24) fontColor = Dialog.getChoice; else { desFontGray = Dialog.getChoice(); ovFontColor = Dialog.getChoice(); if (endsWith(overWrite,"overlays")) fontColor = ovFontColor; else fontColor = desFontGray; } if (imageDepth==24) outlineColor = Dialog.getChoice; else { desOutlineGray = Dialog.getChoice(); ovOutlineColor = Dialog.getChoice(); if (endsWith(overWrite,"overlays")) outlineColor = ovOutlineColor; else outlineColor = desOutlineGray; } tweakFormat = Dialog.getRadioButton(); if (tweakFormat=="Yes") { Dialog.create("Advanced Formatting Options"); Dialog.addNumber("Line Spacing", lineSpacing,1,3,"\(default 1\)"); Dialog.addNumber("Outline stroke:", outlineStroke,0,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Shadow Drop: ?", shadowDrop,0,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Shadow Displacement Right: ?", shadowDisp,0,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Shadow Gaussian blur:", shadowBlur,0,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Shadow Darkness:", shadowDarkness,0,3,"%\(darkest = 100%\)"); if (!endsWith(overWrite,"overlays")){ Dialog.addNumber("Inner Shadow Drop: ?", dIShO,0,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Inner Displacement Right: ?", dIShO,0,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Inner shadow mean blur:",floor(dIShO/2),1,3,"% of font size"); Dialog.addNumber("Inner Shadow Darkness:", 20,0,3,"% \(darkest = 100%\)"); }; lineSpacing = Dialog.getNumber(); outlineStroke = Dialog.getNumber(); shadowDrop = Dialog.getNumber(); shadowDisp = Dialog.getNumber(); shadowBlur = Dialog.getNumber(); shadowDarkness = Dialog.getNumber(); if (!endsWith(overWrite,"overlays")){ innerShadowDrop = Dialog.getNumber(); innerShadowDisp = Dialog.getNumber(); innerShadowBlur = Dialog.getNumber(); innerShadowDarkness = Dialog.getNumber(); } } Dialog.create("Label Options: " + macroL); Dialog.addMessage("\"^2\" & \"um\" etc. replaced by " + fromCharCode(178) + " & " + fromCharCode(181) + "m etc. If the units are in the parameter label, within \(...\) i.e. \(unit\) they will override this selection.\n\"degreeC\" will be replaced with " + fromCharCode(0x00B0) + "C, \"degree C\" will be replaced with " + fromCharCode(0x00B0) + " C, \"degrees\" by " + fromCharCode(0x00B0)+",\n\"symbol-Greek letter\" by the Greek letter, i.e. \"symbol-omega\" translates to " + fromCharCode(0x03C9) + ",\"symbol-Omega\" to " + fromCharCode(0x03A9) + "\nand \"symbol->=\" to " + fromCharCode(0x2265) + " etc. Arrows: \"arrow-up\" " + fromCharCode(0x21E7) + " \"arrow-left\" " + fromCharCode(0x21E6) + " etc."); textChoiceLines = 8; lengthOfDirectory = lengthOf(getInfo("")); if (lengthOfDirectory>57) { directorySubstring = substring(getInfo(""),lengthOfDirectory-57,lengthOfDirectory); directorySubstring = "..." + substring(directorySubstring, indexOf(directorySubstring, "\\")); } else directorySubstring = getInfo(""); imageFilename = getInfo("image.filename"); if(lastIndexOf(imageFilename,".")>0) imageFilenameWOExtension = substring(imageFilename,0,lastIndexOf(imageFilename,".")); else imageFilenameWOExtension = imageFilename; metaDataChoices1 = newArray("Enter text above or select here from this list", getTitle()); metaDataChoices2 = newArray(getMetadata("Info"), directorySubstring, imageFilename, imageFilenameWOExtension, "pixel width = " +pixelWidth+" "+unit, "Image width = "+imageWidth +" pixels", getInfo("image.subtitle")); if (line) { lineData = newArray(""+scaledLineLength+" "+unit + ", "+scaledLineAngle+fromCharCode(0x00B0), ""+scaledLineAngle+fromCharCode(0x00B0), ""+scaledLineLength+" "+unit); metaDataChoices = Array.concat(metaDataChoices1,lineData,metaDataChoices2); } else metaDataChoices = Array.concat(metaDataChoices1, metaDataChoices2); for (i=0; i0) && !endsWith(overWrite,"overlays")) labelRest = getBoolean("Add the same labels to this and next " + remSlices + " slices?"); else labelRest = false; if (is("Batch Mode")==false) setBatchMode(true); /* toggle batch mode back on */ /* save last used settings in user in preferences */ call("ij.Prefs.set", "", fontStyle); call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.font", fontName); call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.location", textLocChoice); call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.output", overWrite); if (imageDepth==24){ call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textlabel.font.color", fontColor); call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textlabel.outline.color", outlineColor); } else { call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.font.gray", fontColor); call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.outline.gray", outlineColor); if (endsWith(overWrite,"overlays")){ scaleBarColor = scaleBarColorOv; outlineColor = outlineColorOv; call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.font.color", fontColor); call("ij.Prefs.set", "fancy.textLabels.outline.color", outlineColor); } } textOutNumber = 0; textInputLinesText = newArray(textChoiceLines); setFont(fontName, fontSize, fontStyle); longestStringWidth = 0; for (i=0; ilongestStringWidth) longestStringWidth = getStringWidth(textInputLines[i]); } } if (textOutNumber==0) restoreExit("No text for labels"); /* Make sure all text fits image width */ shrinkX = imageWidth/longestStringWidth; fontSize = fontSize * minOf(1, shrinkX); longestStringWidth = longestStringWidth * minOf(1, shrinkX); /* determine font color intensities settings for antialiased tweak */ fontColorArray = getColorArrayFromColorName(fontColor); Array.getStatistics(fontColorArray,fontIntMean); fontInt = floor(fontIntMean); outlineColorArray = getColorArrayFromColorName(outlineColor); Array.getStatistics(outlineColorArray,outlineIntMean); outlineInt = floor(outlineIntMean); negAdj = 0.5; /* negative offsets appear exaggerated at full displacement */ if (shadowDrop<0) shadowDrop *= negAdj; if (shadowDisp<0) shadowDisp *= negAdj; if (shadowBlur<0) shadowBlur *= negAdj; if (innerShadowDrop<0) innerShadowDrop *= negAdj; if (innerShadowDisp<0) innerShadowDisp *= negAdj; if (innerShadowBlur<0) innerShadowBlur *= negAdj; fontFactor = fontSize/100; outlineStroke = round(fontFactor * outlineStroke); shadowDrop = round(fontFactor * shadowDrop); shadowDisp = round(fontFactor * shadowDisp); shadowBlur = round(fontFactor * shadowBlur); innerShadowDrop = floor(fontFactor * innerShadowDrop); innerShadowDisp = floor(fontFactor * innerShadowDisp); innerShadowBlur = floor(fontFactor * innerShadowBlur); if (offsetX<(shadowDisp+shadowBlur+1)) offsetX = (shadowDisp+shadowBlur+1); /* make sure shadow does not run off edge of image */ if (offsetY<(shadowDrop+shadowBlur+1)) offsetY = (shadowDrop+shadowBlur+1); if (fontStyle=="unstyled") fontStyle=""; /* */ linesSpace = lineSpacing * textOutNumber * fontSize; if (textLocChoice == "Top Left") { selEX = offsetX; selEY = offsetY; if (just=="auto") just = "left"; } else if (textLocChoice == "Top Right") { selEX = imageWidth - longestStringWidth - offsetX; selEY = offsetY; if (just=="auto") just = "right"; } else if (textLocChoice == "Center") { selEX = round((imageWidth - longestStringWidth)/2); selEY = round((imageHeight - linesSpace)/2 + fontSize); if (just=="auto") just = "center"; } else if (textLocChoice == "Bottom Left") { selEX = offsetX; selEY = imageHeight - (offsetY + linesSpace) + fontSize; if (just=="auto") just = "left"; } else if (textLocChoice == "Bottom Right") { selEX = imageWidth - longestStringWidth - offsetX; selEY = imageHeight - (offsetY + linesSpace) + fontSize; if (just=="auto") just = "right"; } else if (textLocChoice == "Center of New Selection"){ if (is("Batch Mode")) setBatchMode(false); /* Does not accept interaction while batch mode is on */ setTool("rectangle"); msgtitle="Location for the text labels..."; msg = "Draw a box in the image where you want to center the text labels..."; waitForUser(msgtitle, msg); getSelectionBounds(orSelEX, orSelEY, orSelEWidth, orSelEHeight); /* this set for restore */ restoreSelection = getBoolean("Restore this selection at the end of the macro?"); if (is("Batch Mode")==false) setBatchMode(true); /* toggle batch mode back on */ getSelectionBounds(selEX, selEY, selEWidth, selEHeight); /* this set to change */ } if (endsWith(textLocChoice, "election")) { if (line) shrinkF = selLineLength/longestStringWidth; // if (line) shrinkY = minOf(1,imageHeight/linesSpace); else { shrinkX = minOf(1,selEWidth/longestStringWidth); shrinkY = minOf(1,selEHeight/linesSpace); shrinkF = minOf(shrinkX, shrinkY); } shrunkFont = shrinkF * fontSize; if (shrinkF < 1) { Dialog.create("Shrink Text"); Dialog.addCheckbox("Text will not fit inside selection; Reduce font size from " + fontSize+ "?", true); Dialog.addNumber("Choose new font size; font size for fit =",round(shrunkFont));; reduceFontSize = Dialog.getCheckbox(); shrunkFont = Dialog.getNumber(); shrinkF = shrunkFont/fontSize; } else reduceFontSize = false; if (reduceFontSize) { fontSize = shrunkFont; linesSpace = shrinkF * linesSpace; longestStringWidth = shrinkF * longestStringWidth; fontFactor = fontSize/100; if (outlineStroke>1) outlineStroke = maxOf(1,round(fontFactor * outlineStroke)); else outlineStroke = round(fontFactor * outlineStroke); if (shadowDrop>1) shadowDrop = maxOf(1,round(fontFactor * shadowDrop)); else shadowDrop = round(fontFactor * shadowDrop); if (shadowDisp>1) shadowDisp = maxOf(1,round(fontFactor * shadowDisp)); else shadowDisp = round(fontFactor * shadowDisp); if (shadowBlur>1) shadowBlur = maxOf(1,round(fontFactor * shadowBlur)); else shadowBlur = round(fontFactor * shadowBlur); innerShadowDrop = floor(fontFactor * innerShadowDrop); innerShadowDisp = floor(fontFactor * innerShadowDisp); innerShadowBlur = floor(fontFactor * innerShadowBlur); } selEX = selEX + round((selEWidth/2) - longestStringWidth/2); selEY = selEY + round((selEHeight/2) - (linesSpace/2) + fontSize); if (just=="auto") { if (selEXimageWidth*0.6) just = "right"; else just = "center"; } } run("Select None"); if (selEY<=1.5*fontSize) selEY += fontSize; if (selEXimageWidth) selEX = imageWidth - longestStringWidth - offsetX; textLabelX = selEX; textLabelY = selEY; /* Now offset from line for line label */ if ((selEType>=5) && (selEType<7) && textAboveLine) { textLabelX += round(cos(textRot/(180/PI))*0.75*fontSize); textLabelX += round(sin(textRot/(180/PI))*0.75*fontSize); } setColorFromColorName("white"); roiManager("show none"); if (startsWith(overWrite,"New")) { if (slices==1) run("Duplicate...", "title=" + getTitle() + "+text"); else run("Duplicate...", "title=" + getTitle() + "+text duplicate"); } workingImage = getTitle(); if (is("Batch Mode")==false) setBatchMode(true); /* toggle batch mode back on */ /* Create Label Mask */ newImage("label_mask", "8-bit black", imageWidth, imageHeight, 1); roiManager("deselect"); run("Select None"); setFont(fontName,fontSize, fontStyle); textLabelLineY = textLabelY; setColor("white"); for (i=0; i0) imageCalculator("Subtract", workingImage,"shadow"); else if (isOpen("shadow") && (shadowDarkness<0)) imageCalculator("Add", workingImage,"shadow"); run("Select None"); /* Create outline around text */ selectWindow(workingImage); getSelectionFromMask(active_Label_Mask); // if (textRot!=0) run("Rotate...", "angle=&textRot"); getSelectionBounds(maskX, maskY, null, null); outlineStrokeOffset = minOf(round(shadowDisp/2), round(maxOf(0,(outlineStroke/2)-1))); setSelectionLocation(maskX+outlineStrokeOffset, maskY+outlineStrokeOffset); /* Offset selection to create shadow effect */ run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=&outlineStroke pixel"); setBackgroundFromColorName(outlineColor); run("Clear", "slice"); outlineStrokeOffsetMod = outlineStrokeOffset/2; run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=&outlineStrokeOffsetMod pixel"); run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=&outlineStrokeOffsetMod"); run("Select None"); /* Create text */ getSelectionFromMask(active_Label_Mask); setBackgroundFromColorName(fontColor); run("Clear", "slice"); run("Select None"); /* Create inner shadow or glow if requested */ if (isOpen("inner_shadow") && (innerShadowDarkness>0)) imageCalculator("Subtract", workingImage,"inner_shadow"); else if (isOpen("inner_shadow") && (innerShadowDarkness<0)) imageCalculator("Add", workingImage,"inner_shadow"); if (labelRest==false) remSlices = 0; else run("Next Slice [>]"); } } closeImageByTitle("shadow"); closeImageByTitle("inner_shadow"); closeImageByTitle("label_mask"); closeImageByTitle("rot_label_mask"); selectWindow(workingImage); if (startsWith(overWrite, "New")) { if ((lastIndexOf(originalImage,"."))>0) workingImageNameWOExt = unCleanLabel(substring(workingImage, 0, lastIndexOf(workingImage,"."))); else workingImageNameWOExt = unCleanLabel(workingImage); rename(workingImageNameWOExt + "+text"); } restoreSettings; run("Select None"); setBatchMode("exit & display"); if (endsWith(textLocChoice, "election") && restoreSelection) { if (selEType==0) makeRectangle(orSelEX, orSelEY, orSelEWidth, orSelEHeight); if (selEType==1) makeOval(orSelEX, orSelEY, orSelEWidth, orSelEHeight); if ((selEType>=5) && (selEType<7)) { makeLine(orSelEX1, orSelEY1, orSelEX2, orSelEY2); if (getBoolean("Create flattened image with line selection")) { run("Add Selection..."); /* By adding selection to overlay this also works with the overlay label */ run("Flatten"); } } } else run("Select None"); showStatus("Fancy Text Labels Finished"); call("java.lang.System.gc"); } /* ( 8(|) ( 8(|) ASC and ASC-mod-BAR Functions ( 8(|) ( 8(|) */ function cleanLabel(string) { /* ImageJ macro default file encoding (ANSI or UTF-8) varies with platform so non-ASCII characters may vary: hence the need to always use fromCharCode instead of special characters. v180611 added "degreeC" v200604 fromCharCode(0x207B) removed as superscript hyphen not working reliably v220630 added degrees v220812 Changed Ångström unit code v231005 Weird Excel characters added, micron unit correction */ string= replace(string, "\\^2", fromCharCode(178)); /* superscript 2 */ string= replace(string, "\\^3", fromCharCode(179)); /* superscript 3 UTF-16 (decimal) */ string= replace(string, "\\^-"+fromCharCode(185), "-" + fromCharCode(185)); /* superscript -1 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-"+fromCharCode(178), "-" + fromCharCode(178)); /* superscript -2 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-^1", "-" + fromCharCode(185)); /* superscript -1 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-^2", "-" + fromCharCode(178)); /* superscript -2 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-1", "-" + fromCharCode(185)); /* superscript -1 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-2", "-" + fromCharCode(178)); /* superscript -2 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-^1", "-" + fromCharCode(185)); /* superscript -1 */ string= replace(string, "\\^-^2", "-" + fromCharCode(178)); /* superscript -2 */ string= replace(string, "(?1) string = substring(string, 0, indexOf(string,"mý")-1) + getInfo("micrometer.abbreviation") + fromCharCode(178); return string; } function closeImageByTitle(windowTitle) { /* Cannot be used with tables */ if (isOpen(windowTitle)) { selectWindow(windowTitle); close(); } } function toChar(string) { /* v180612 first version v180627 Expanded, v180803 added "degrees" */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Angstrom", fromCharCode(0x212B)); /* ANGSTROM SIGN */ string= replace(string, "symbol-alpha", fromCharCode(0x03B1)); string= replace(string, "symbol-Alpha", fromCharCode(0x0391)); string= replace(string, "symbol-beta", fromCharCode(0x03B2)); /* Lower case beta */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Beta", fromCharCode(0x0392)); /* ß CAPITAL */ string= replace(string, "symbol-gamma", fromCharCode(0x03B3)); /* MATHEMATICAL SMALL GAMMA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Gamma", fromCharCode(0xD835)); /* MATHEMATICAL BOLD CAPITAL GAMMA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-delta", fromCharCode(0x1E9F)); /* SMALL LETTER DELTA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Delta", fromCharCode(0x0394)); /* CAPITAL LETTER DELTA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-epsilon", fromCharCode(0x03B5)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Epsilon", fromCharCode(0x0395)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON */ string= replace(string, "symbol-zeta", fromCharCode(0x03B6)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Zeta", fromCharCode(0x0396)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-theta", fromCharCode(0x03B8)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Theta", fromCharCode(0x0398)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-iota", fromCharCode(0x03B9)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Iota", fromCharCode(0x0196)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-kappa", fromCharCode(0x03BA)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Kappa", fromCharCode(0x0196)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-lambda", fromCharCode(0x03BB)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Lambda", fromCharCode(0x039B)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-mu", fromCharCode(0x03BC)); /* µ GREEK SMALL LETTER MU */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Mu", fromCharCode(0x039C)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU */ string= replace(string, "symbol-nu", fromCharCode(0x03BD)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER NU */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Nu", fromCharCode( 0x039D)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU */ string= replace(string, "symbol-xi", fromCharCode(0x03BE)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER XI */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Xi", fromCharCode(0x039E)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI */ string= replace(string, "symbol-pi", fromCharCode(0x03C0)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER Pl */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Pi", fromCharCode(0x03A0)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER Pl */ string= replace(string, "symbol-rho", fromCharCode(0x03C1)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Rho", fromCharCode(0x03A1)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sigma", fromCharCode(0x03C3)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Sigma", fromCharCode(0x03A3)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-phi", fromCharCode(0x03C6)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Phi", fromCharCode(0x03A6)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI */ string= replace(string, "symbol-omega", fromCharCode(0x03C9)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Omega", fromCharCode(0x03A9)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-eta", fromCharCode(0x03B7)); /* GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-Eta", fromCharCode(0x0397)); /* GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sub2", fromCharCode(0x2082)); /* subscript 2 */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sub3", fromCharCode(0x2083)); /* subscript 3 */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sub4", fromCharCode(0x2084)); /* subscript 4 */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sub5", fromCharCode(0x2085)); /* subscript 5 */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sup2", fromCharCode(0x00B2)); /* superscript 2 */ string= replace(string, "symbol-sup3", fromCharCode(0x00B3)); /* superscript 3 */ string= replace(string, "symbol->=", fromCharCode(0x2265)); /* GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO */ string= replace(string, "symbol-<=", fromCharCode(0x2264)); /* LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO */ string= replace(string, "symbol-xx", fromCharCode(0x00D7)); /* MULTIPLICATION SIGN */ string= replace(string, "symbol-copyright=", fromCharCode(0x00A9)); /* © */ string= replace(string, "symbol-ro", fromCharCode(0x00AE)); /* registered sign */ string= replace(string, "symbol-tm", fromCharCode(0x2122)); /* ™ */ string= replace(string, "symbol-parallelto", fromCharCode(0x2225)); /* PARALLEL TO note CANNOT use "|" key */ // string= replace(string, "symbol-perpendicularto", fromCharCode(0x27C2)); /* PERPENDICULAR note CANNOT use "|" key */ string= replace(string, "symbol-degree", fromCharCode(0x00B0)); /* Degree */ // string= replace(string, "degreeC", fromCharCode(0x00B0)+fromCharCode(0x2009) + "C"); /* Degree + space + C BUT space symbol not working*/ string= replace(string, "degreeC", fromCharCode(0x00B0)+"C"); /* Degree C */ string= replace(string, "degree C", fromCharCode(0x00B0)+" "+"C"); /* Degree space C */ string= replace(string, "degrees", fromCharCode(0x00B0)); /* Degree C */ string= replace(string, "arrow-up", fromCharCode(0x21E7)); /* 'UPWARDS WHITE ARROW */ string= replace(string, "arrow-down", fromCharCode(0x21E9)); /* 'DOWNWARDS WHITE ARROW */ string= replace(string, "arrow-left", fromCharCode(0x21E6)); /* 'LEFTWARDS WHITE ARROW */ string= replace(string, "arrow-right", fromCharCode(0x21E8)); /* 'RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW */ return string; } function createInnerShadowFromMask6(mask,iShadowDrop, iShadowDisp, iShadowBlur, iShadowDarkness) { /* Requires previous run of: imageDepth = bitDepth(); because this version works with different bitDepths v161115 calls four variables: drop, displacement blur and darkness v180627 and calls mask label */ showStatus("Creating inner shadow for labels . . . "); newImage("inner_shadow", "8-bit white", imageWidth, imageHeight, 1); getSelectionFromMask(mask); setBackgroundColor(0,0,0); run("Clear Outside"); getSelectionBounds(selMaskX, selMaskY, selMaskWidth, selMaskHeight); setSelectionLocation(selMaskX-iShadowDisp, selMaskY-iShadowDrop); setBackgroundColor(0,0,0); run("Clear Outside"); getSelectionFromMask(mask); expansion = abs(iShadowDisp) + abs(iShadowDrop) + abs(iShadowBlur); if (expansion>0) run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=&expansion pixel"); if (iShadowBlur>0) run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=&iShadowBlur"); run("Unsharp Mask...", "radius=0.5 mask=0.2"); /* A tweak to sharpen the effect for small font sizes */ imageCalculator("Max","inner_shadow",mask); run("Select None"); /* The following are needed for different bit depths */ if (imageDepth==16 || imageDepth==32) run(imageDepth + "-bit"); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0 normalize"); run("Invert"); /* Create an image that can be subtracted - this works better for color than Min */ divider = (100 / abs(iShadowDarkness)); run("Divide...", "value=÷r"); } function createShadowDropFromMask7(mask, oShadowDrop, oShadowDisp, oShadowBlur, oShadowDarkness, oStroke) { /* Requires previous run of: imageDepth = bitDepth(); because this version works with different bitDepths v161115 calls five variables: drop, displacement blur and darkness v180627 adds mask label to variables */ showStatus("Creating drop shadow for labels . . . "); newImage("shadow", "8-bit black", imageWidth, imageHeight, 1); getSelectionFromMask(mask); getSelectionBounds(selMaskX, selMaskY, selMaskWidth, selMaskHeight); setSelectionLocation(selMaskX + oShadowDisp, selMaskY + oShadowDrop); setBackgroundColor(255,255,255); if (oStroke>0) run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=&oStroke pixel"); /* Adjust shadow size so that shadow extends beyond stroke thickness */ run("Clear"); run("Select None"); if (oShadowBlur>0) { run("Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=&oShadowBlur"); run("Unsharp Mask...", "radius=&oShadowBlur mask=0.4"); /* Make Gaussian shadow edge a little less fuzzy */ } /* Now make sure shadow or glow does not impact outline */ getSelectionFromMask(mask); if (oStroke>0) run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=&oStroke pixel"); setBackgroundColor(0,0,0); run("Clear"); run("Select None"); /* The following are needed for different bit depths */ if (imageDepth==16 || imageDepth==32) run(imageDepth + "-bit"); run("Enhance Contrast...", "saturated=0 normalize"); divider = (100 / abs(oShadowDarkness)); run("Divide...", "value=÷r"); } function getFontChoiceList() { /* v180723 first version v180828 Changed order of favorites. v190108 Longer list of favorites. v230209 Minor optimization. v230919 You can add a list of fonts that do not produce good results with the macro. 230921 more exclusions. */ systemFonts = getFontList(); IJFonts = newArray("SansSerif", "Serif", "Monospaced"); fontNameChoices = Array.concat(IJFonts,systemFonts); blackFonts = Array.filter(fontNameChoices, "([A-Za-z]+.*[bB]l.*k)"); eBFonts = Array.filter(fontNameChoices, "([A-Za-z]+.*[Ee]xtra.*[Bb]old)"); uBFonts = Array.filter(fontNameChoices, "([A-Za-z]+.*[Uu]ltra.*[Bb]old)"); fontNameChoices = Array.concat(blackFonts, eBFonts, uBFonts, fontNameChoices); /* 'Black' and Extra and Extra Bold fonts work best */ faveFontList = newArray("Your favorite fonts here", "Arial Black", "Myriad Pro Black", "Myriad Pro Black Cond", "Noto Sans Blk", "Noto Sans Disp Cond Blk", "Open Sans ExtraBold", "Roboto Black", "Alegreya Black", "Alegreya Sans Black", "Tahoma Bold", "Calibri Bold", "Helvetica", "SansSerif", "Calibri", "Roboto", "Tahoma", "Times New Roman Bold", "Times Bold", "Goldman Sans Black", "Goldman Sans", "Serif"); /* Some fonts or font families don't work well with ASC macros, typically they do not support all useful symbols, they can be excluded here using the .* regular expression */ offFontList = newArray("Alegreya SC Black", "Archivo.*", "Arial Rounded.*", "Bodon.*", "Cooper.*", "Eras.*", "Fira.*", "Gill Sans.*", "Lato.*", "Libre.*", "Lucida.*", "Merriweather.*", "Montserrat.*", "Nunito.*", "Olympia.*", "Poppins.*", "Rockwell.*", "Tw Cen.*", "Wingdings.*", "ZWAdobe.*"); /* These don't work so well. Use a ".*" to remove families */ faveFontListCheck = newArray(faveFontList.length); for (i=0,counter=0; i=0) { string = string.substring(0, iFirst) + string.substring(string, iFirst + lengthOf(unwantedDbls[i]) / 2); i = -1; /* check again */ } } string = string.replace("_\\+", "\\+"); /* Clean up autofilenames */ string = string.replace("\\+_", "\\+"); /* Clean up autofilenames */ /* cleanup suffixes */ unwantedSuffixes = newArray(" ", "_", "-", "\\+"); /* things you don't wasn't to end a filename with */ extStart = lastIndexOf(string, "."); sL = lengthOf(string); if (sL-extStart<=4 && extStart>0) extIncl = true; else extIncl = false; if (extIncl){ preString = substring(string, 0, extStart); extString = substring(string, extStart); } else { preString = string; extString = ""; } for (i=0; i