/* All the directories - expanded from ImageJ demo: https://imagej.net/macros/getDirDemo.txt pjl 1/28/2022 11:20 AM Note getDir previously shortened to getDir v230803: Replaced getDir for getDirectory as abbreviated version failed in 1.54g10. v230810: Restored getDir as getDir fixed in 1.54g11. */ macroL = "List_all_Image-Fiji_directories_v220128b.ijm"; IJ.log(macroL); IJ.log("home: " + getDir("home")); IJ.log("startup: " + getDir("startup")); IJ.log("current: " + getDir("current")); IJ.log("plugins: " + getDir("plugins")) IJ.log("macros: " + getDir("macros")); IJ.log("image: " + getDir("image")); IJ.log("imageDir: " + getDir("image")); IJ.log("file: " + getDir("file")); if (nImages>=1) IJ.log("info file.directory: " + getInfo("image.directory")); /* kills macro if nImages=0 */ IJ.log("temp: " + getDir("temp")); IJ.log("downloads: " + getDir("downloads")); IJ.log("imagej: " + getDir("imagej")); IJ.log("luts: " + getDir("luts")); IJ.log("preferences: " + getDir("preferences")); IJ.log("current working directory: " + getDir("cwd")); IJ.log("parent of above: " + File.getParent(getDir("cwd"))); IJ.log("_______________and some files_______________"); IJ.log("last file opened: " + File.name); IJ.log("file above w/o extension: " + File.nameWithoutExtension); IJ.log("Note: To File.delete file must be in the user's home directory, the ImageJ directory or the temp directory.");